We have been collecting glass for several years now and have found a love for glass and the people that collect it. We are now looking for consignors with carnival glass and other collectible items. Contact us for buying and selling of your collectibles. Come sell with us. Call with inquiries.
Scott and Suzanne Sheffield of Albany, KY are graduates of the Kentucky Auction Academy in Bowling Green, KY.
The Academy's philosophy is clear: “If you want to be successful it’s really quite easy, just help enough other people become successful”.
The Academy trains those individuals wishing to master the skill and art of Auctioneering.
“There is no substitute for first class training to launch a career in any profession, and the Professional Auctioneer is no exception to that. "
Scott and Suzanne will now take their diplomas and the skills obtained at the Academy to provide superior service as trained, Professional Auctioneers.
The Sheffields are now ready to serve their clients and customers with a greater sense of confidence, a higher skill level and a greater knowledge base.
I have several passions in life, first of all is my love for my wife, Suzanne followed closely by my family and friends. After these very important things, comes my love for Old Carnival Glass and the people that collects it. Some of the most wonderful people in the world, I have met through collecting carnival glass and attending conventions.
My top priority through the auctions will be for each client. We will conduct this business with honesty and integrity.
Scott and I are very excited about this new venture in our lives. Through the past few years, we have acquired valuable information through friends, and endless searching in books and online. As a team, Scott and I have accomplished several endeavors and are thrilled to move forward with next chapter of our lives. I have worked as a professional customer service representative for over 20 years and I am willing to assist each client in a personal and professional way. In the event that you cannot reach me (or Scott), I am proud to say that we have the best customer service associates. Pam and Angela work with our customers on a daily basis and are very professional.
Sheffield Auctions 904 Snow School Rd. Albany, KY 42602 US
Scott's Cell (606) 306-1792 - Suzanne's Cell (606) 688-1410 or toll free (833) 269-2333 email - scott@sheffieldauctions.com
Copyright © 2021 Sheffield Auctions - All Rights Reserved.
Principal Auctioneers - Scott & Suzanne Sheffield